Sales Prospecting

3 Foolproof Plays to Beat the Holiday Slump

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Photograph of a tired revenue professional massaging their temples in front of a laptop
Photograph of a tired revenue professional massaging their temples in front of a laptop

December is cold.

But your forecast doesn't have to be.

We pulled together Morgan J. Ingram, CEO and founder of AMP, and Clari's own Derek Antti, Senior Manager of Revenue Development, to talk strategies for beating the holiday slump.

Here are their 3 foolproof plays to help you celebrate the season right—with more wins and fewer worries.

Play #1: The no-value-prop email

Sales emails flood in at the end of the year.

What does your prospect do with them? Delete, delete, delete.

To score an open, try a no-value-prop email.

It goes like this:

Hi Sally,

I was talking to our marketing team, and they shared our number one downloaded report for VPs of Marketing. It's called X.

Interested in seeing it?


What's different about this type of email?

You're not asking for a meeting. Instead, you're offering a resource in exchange for a simple "yes" or "no." Planting seeds that can grow in the future.

This email features:

  • Zero fluff
  • Tons of value
  • A simple CTA

Copy and paste these email templates to get started.


Record a short video walking through the highlights of the report. Make it personable and memorable.

Play #2: Ramping LinkedIn as a channel

Remember when social media used to be about connecting?

It still can be.

Start by being human. Focus on connections, not conversions.

Ditch the generic, cold DM play. Instead, interact genuinely with your prospects. Leave thoughtful comments on their posts. Engage with their content. Send a connection request.

Spend time building the online relationship.

It goes like this:

Screenshot of a LinkedIn post from Kelly Hopping about interesting content she's consumed lately

Screenshot of a LinkedIn post from Morgan J Ingram comment on Kelly Hopping's post about interesting content she's consumed lately

And remember, you need to be where your buyers are. If they aren't on LinkedIn, check X (the platform formerly known as Twitter), Instagram, etc. Invest your time and efforts on the platform that is most relevant to them.


Click the notification bell. If you're targeting a prospect on a social platform like LinkedIn, make sure you see their post the second it goes live.

Play #3: Wake the dead

Need a pipeline boost?

Look through your old notes on the prospect.

Ask the question, "Why was this deal lost?"

This analysis will help you size up what was happening then and what their business is doing now. Bridge the gap with research.

Then, re-open the closed conversation with a relevant solution.

It goes like this:

Hi Sally,

When we last spoke in March, you mentioned that X was happening with your business.

I'm reaching back out because it looks like your company is doing Y, and now we are too.

Can we jump on a quick call to discuss your goals and trajectory?


The deal might have died a long time ago. But with the right play, you can bring it back to life.


Time-block your efforts. Schedule time to walk through closed-lost deals, then take a run at reviving them. Distraction-free time = needle-moving effort.

Get in the Groove

Don't let the holidays get you down.

Beat the slump with these high-powered plays and elevate your sales engagement efforts with Groove, a Clari company.

  • Automate your no-value prop emails
  • Get the analytics you need to identify prime targets
  • Wake dead deals with scale prospecting

Ready to see the holiday gift that keeps on giving?

Schedule a demo today.