Revenue Operations

RevOps Trends: 5 Top Priorities for Leaders Who Crave Efficient Growth

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Ready to take your revenue to new heights?

Illustration showing green triangle and blue dots trending upward on a black background
Illustration showing green triangle and blue dots trending upward on a black background

At Clari, we talk to a lot of RevOps leaders.

We talk process. We talk priorities. We talk implementation.

And trends start to emerge.

Lately, it's become clear that top RevOps teams are laser-focused on a few key metrics. With limited resources and the need for business-moving plays, they're applying the 80/20 rule to the revenue game.

The result?

Increased revenue growth. Decreased noise.

Here are the five areas they're focusing on and investing in right now—especially as they plan for 2024.

1. Consolidation (without compromise)

Tech consolidation is the name of the game right now.

From the top down, revenue teams have received the mandate: less tech. And it's easy to see why.

A simplified tech stack means:

  • Fewer vendor headaches
  • Reduced tech spend
  • Faster processes
  • Increased productivity

In a tough market, these factors can mean the difference between sinking and swimming. So RevOps teams are pushing them hard.

They're looking to consolidate. As such, they're moving from point solutions to a Revenue Platform.

The fundamental reason we selected Clari is the consolidation under one umbrella on the same platform. Having Copilot, Groove, and deal inspection together is huge. Salesloft did not offer many of the features that we recognized in Groove as working out of the box.

Bogdan Maciejuk, Director of Sales Operations at CData

2. Revenue leak

Businesses can't afford revenue leak—revenue lost from breakdowns in the revenue process.

Especially during down market.

That's why RevOps teams have been tasked with stopping every leak across their business.

They're combing through data to spot weaknesses in the revenue process and slips during essential handoffs.

They’re focused on:

  • Fixing inefficient processes
  • Eliminating customer churn
  • Spotting missed upsell or cross-sell opportunities

The average company loses 14.9% annually to revenue leak.

But not if RevOps has anything to say about it.

We wouldn't be managing slips the way we are now without the help of Clari's Waterfall view. It's made it easy to spot slips as an area of revenue leak.

Stephanie Herndon-Rasse, VP of Revenue Operations at Skai

3. Time to value

Who’s got time to wait around?

Revenue teams need solutions. And they need them now.

That means:

  • Lightning-fast tech implementation
  • Support for any bump in the road
  • Clear value for sellers

The days of lengthy setup are gone.

Time to value is here.

It only took two weeks to complete implementation and get sales reps up and running. Clari is a one-stop shop for managing our pipeline.

Chloe Poon, Senior Director of Finance and RevOps at Teikametrics

4. Rep productivity

The math is simple:

More productive reps = more revenue.

To free up rep time, RevOps needs to eliminate:

  • Bulky, manual processes
  • Fragmented data
  • Complex tools

RevOps leaders are committed to knocking down barriers and creating a silky smooth sales process.

Less friction. More selling.

Clari improves sales productivity in the field and gives our sales managers additional visibility into deals. This helps our sales team drive revenue while simultaneously increasing the quality of data we capture in our CRM.

Sudheesh Nair, Former President at Nutanix

5. Rep forecast adoption

Who's on board?

The best RevOps teams own change management.

They know:

  • Where to track adoption numbers
  • How to recruit key champions
  • What actions move the needle

They create a unified team. One company moving forward.

Clari is a great example that's delivered an immediate impact for sales leaders and sellers. Overnight, spreadsheets disappeared. Now 500 sellers across the world are running their forecast out of Clari. The entire revenue process has been elevated with Clari.

Dan Jacobs, Former GVP of Sales Operations at Finastra

If you crave efficient growth...

Find out how your RevOps team can achieve revenue precision with Clari's Revenue Platform.

→ Consolidate without compromising
→ Stop revenue leak (and find growth pockets)
→ Improve rep productivity
→ Increase forecast process adoption

Book a call today.