Sales Pipeline

5 Tips to Create, Convert, and Close Pipeline from Clari and 30 Minutes to President's Club

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Photograph of Clari and 30 Minutes to President's Club panel speakers on stage
Photograph of Clari and 30 Minutes to President's Club panel speakers on stage

If you want to hit your number every quarter...

You better have a free-flowing pipeline.

  • Leads flooding in
  • Deals sailing out
  • No gunk in between

At September's Charge event, Devin Reed (Head of Content at Clari) led a panel all about creating, converting, and closing pipeline. He sat down with Nick and Armand from 30 Minutes to President’s Club (30MPC), along with Clari's own dynamite rep, ​​Lynn Powers.

Here are five must-have pipeline tips from their chat.

Tip 1: Don't box yourself in

Too many reps get in trouble with this one.

Here's the scenario...

After weeks of trying to get to the decision maker, you finally land a VP-level conversation. You pitch your value prop. The benefits of your solution. You talk about all of the teams you've helped.

The problem?

You've boxed yourself in.

By framing the conversation around you, the VP can immediately lump your offer together with known commodities. "We already have a vendor for that," is the default response.

Instead: Learn your prospect's problems.

Lead with a message like this: "I talk to a lot of sales leaders that are frustrated with how challenging it is to balance creating new pipeline and advancing current pipeline right now."

  • Introduce a likely problem
  • Then tailor your conversation

Don't accidentally lock yourself into a box.

Tip 2: Spot your champions

Your deal isn't happening without the right champions.

So start by spotting them. Make sure you're able to line up in-command champions at every stage of your sales cycle.

Here's the playbook:

  • Early stage: Ask questions "one level up." If you're meeting with the Head of Content, ask them what the CMO would think about a problem. The right champion will be able to give you the details.
  • Mid-stage: Ask about the process. See how well your potential champion knows the ins and outs of legal, finance, and other barriers to a done deal. If they hand-wave the process conversation, it’s time to start looking elsewhere.

Together, these questions can help you tee up the right champions.

And close your deal faster.

Tip 3: Build a mutual action plan that works for everyone

Imagine you've got an interested prospect.

But they're noncommittal on timeline.

If you want to get the deal over the finish line, you need a plan. A way to outline clear expectations and light a fire under your prospect.

Follow these steps:

  • First, focus on impact. "You're targeting $100 million in revenue next year. How do we get you there faster?"
  • Second, map out major milestones on the way to a done deal. Talk review and funding. Talk implementation. Paint the picture.
  • Third, bring in your mutual action plan. What are you committing to? What are they committing to? And when?
  • Lastly, hold the line. If you're meeting with the revenue team, let each leader know when you'll be reaching out. Give them a target timeline.

Squishy timelines go nowhere.

Hard timelines get results.

Tip 4: Equip your prospect to sell for you

Let's say you've got a key point of contact. And they start pulling in other leaders at the company for conversation.

Most reps take over the convo.

Savvy reps let their contact take the lead.

By positioning an internal voice at the spearhead of the conversation, you've made it a company talk. Not some outside salesperson pushing an agenda.

Want to try this tactic?

Here’s a script:

"[Name], would you mind catching [other leaders] up on the conversations we've been having? You'll be better able to frame it in terms of [company]'s strategy."

Tip 5: Spotlight the cost of doing nothing

You've shaken every hand. Addressed every problem. Answered every question. And the deal still isn't going forward.

What now?

It's time to paint the scariest scenario.

Here's what happens if you don't move forward.

To do this, get crystal clear on the business impact behind the deal. Are they worried about an upcoming board meeting? Is there a competitor breathing down their neck?

Move the conversation away from the contract.

Move it toward the cost of inaction.

Are you really serious about building pipeline?

Check out Clari Prospecting Academy to learn the prospecting techniques that will fill your pipeline in any market. From mindset to cold calls to metrics, you'll get the knowledge and skills you need to become a prospecting legend.