Revenue Operations Product News

Clari from Home: Deal Updates, Micromanagement Free

Headshot photograph of Diana Cappello, Manager of Sales Engineering at Clari

Diana Cappello
Sales Engineering Manager at Clari


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Banner promoting Clari from Home series with a photograph of a revenue professional typing on a laptop and holding a mug
Banner promoting Clari from Home series with a photograph of a revenue professional typing on a laptop and holding a mug

Working from home has created a number of unique challenges, but there is one in particular that’s weighing on my mind: feeling out of the loop on my team’s deal statuses.

In the office, it was easy to stay up to speed on what everyone was working on by hearing them on the phone or casual conversations throughout the day. Now it takes a phone call or even a scheduled meeting to get the information I need, adding to already cluttered calendars.

Clari’s Team Activity helps me view the health of each deal, customer engagement, and upcoming meetings without having to pull reps away from selling or asking them for daily updates. It’s been indispensable to me while working from home. Take a look at how I do this with Clari here:


For more insights about how to inspect deals and better understand the true health of your pipeline, read:

Clari from Home is a new series where our revenue experts will be sharing their tips and tricks for getting the most out of Clari — and how you can do the same to be the most efficient, effective, and remarkable you can be.