Product News

Clari + Clearbit: An Integration to Illuminate Every Buyer Relationship

Maggie Kullman headshot

Maggie Kullman
Marketing Programs Manager


Ready to take your revenue to new heights?

Your CRM is a lot like life: what you get out of it is directly proportional to what you put in.

Your sales reps are busy, even when they’re not on the road. Back-to-back Zoom meetings can be equally time consuming. In either scenario, they just don’t have the time to update CRM with every new contact they are meeting with.

But as we all know, the people you are engaged with (or not) from the buying group are a critical indicator of the health of an opportunity or account relationship. Based on hundreds of millions of sales activities analyzed by Clari, we found that on average only 30% of sales-engaged contacts are logged in CRM.

Capture engaged contacts. No manual entry required.

Clari’s Autocapture makes sure the whole team has access to complete and accurate contact data for every account you are selling to. It automatically captures all activity data and external contacts from your reps’ email and calendar and logs it in CRM for you. No tedious manual data entry required. No chasing reps for keeping your data in CRM complete and accurate.

Now all the contacts that showed up for a sales meeting, even the ones that were added to the invite by the prospect, are automatically associated with the opportunity without your rep needing to lift a finger.

To fully understand the state of your relationships with customers, you need the full context on every person they are engaging with: What is their title? Are they a senior decision maker or an individual contributor? Which team or function do they represent?

Introducing Clearbit for Clari

We’re excited to partner with Clearbit to make sure you have all the essential information on every contact involved in your sales cycles. Clearbit and Clari were both founded on the principle that B2B revenue teams are being held back by CRM systems that are only as good as manual data entry allows them to be.

Clari solves this problem by using AI and automation to ensure that every contact and activity throughout the buying process is captured in CRM.

Clearbit solves this problem by automatically enriching company and contact records in CRM with the most up-to-date information.

With the launch of Clearbit for Clari, we are working together to close the gap between CRM and reality and give B2B revenue teams confidence that they are acting on complete and accurate data. Clearbit for Clari provides critical information for contacts captured in sales meetings and emails including:

  • Title (e.g. VP of Sales)
  • Function (e.g. Sales)
  • Seniority (e.g. VP)

Putting complete activity & contact data to work

Track key personas on active deals

Multi-threaded deals are proven to close more often and more quickly. Clearbit for Clari allows you to automatically flag which deals have involvement from a key decision maker and build reporting on it that doesn't rely on reps manually updating a field on the opportunity.

As budgets get tighter and operating plans are reworked, having your prospects’ finance team involved early on is critical to accelerating the deal toward close. With the combination of Clari, Clearbit and a little bit of automation you can trigger an update to an opportunity field any time a CFO gets added to a meeting with the sales rep. Now you can easily track which of your deals are missing a critical decision maker and take actions to drive that relationship.

Nurture the right individuals to accelerate deals

Marketing plays a key role in accelerating deals, but how does the marketing team determine which prospects to re-engage or who to target for nurture campaigns? Many marketing teams don't really know which personas to target to make the biggest impact on the success of their deals. With Clearbit for Clari your Marketing team can analyze which personas are historically involved in successful deals so they can focus awareness efforts and deal acceleration tactics on those critical personas.

Have questions? We’ve got answers. Contact us here to learn about the Clari and Clearbit integration.