Sales Execution

Healthcare Companies: It’s Time to Embrace Mobile CRM Experience

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Healthcare professionals chatting and smiling
Healthcare professionals chatting and smiling



These two adjectives are essential for any sales solution in all fast-paced, ever-evolving industries—including healthcare.

As healthcare organizations navigate complex market dynamics, sales reps must be equipped with the right best tools to stay ahead of the curve.

Mobile technology is a must-have today, especially in a post-COVID/work-from-home world that instantly transformed how sales teams interact with clients and manage their day. However, despite its widespread adoption, a glaring challenge remains unsolved: the lack of time for sales reps to update CRMs, particularly from a desktop.

Why? Simply put, healthcare sales reps spend the far majority of their work day in the hospital, at doctors’ offices, and in surgical centers. And when they're not walking the halls selling devices to doctors, they're driving between businesses. At the “end of the day,” they’ve worked 8+ hour days without ever opening their laptop.

When they finally get home, the absolute last thing they want to do is update a CRM. So, they either (a) don’t or (b) message someone from Sales Ops asking them to help.

This article will stress the importance of mobile technology in healthcare sales and discuss how it can be leveraged to address the persistent issue of sales reps struggling to find the time to update their CRM. In addition, we will explore how mobile CRM solutions can streamline the sales process, boost productivity, and, ultimately, help healthcare sales teams stay sharp. 

Benefits of mobile CRM capabilities for healthcare sales reps

Mobile CRM capabilities bring many advantages to healthcare sales reps—especially those who spend more time in front of their smartphones than their other devices. 

Remember: Nearly all healthcare sales reps are not sitting in front of a laptop. Instead, they are in the hospital or on the road — with a tablet or smartphone within arms reach.

Here are four key benefits that can be realized by integrating mobile CRM solutions into the daily routine of sales reps:

  1. Streamlined workflow

    Sales technology, including mobile CRM solutions, eliminates the busy work—the tedious day-to-day tasks—and provides healthcare sales reps immediate access to update all CRM records. 

    No need to wait until reps are “back at their desks” to input critical information, thus streamlining the workflow and reducing the time spent on administrative tasks. 

    Bonus: Seeing critical sales data at a glance allows reps to easily monitor deal progress and quickly customize follow-up emails for each prospect. 

    With a seamless workflow, sales reps can focus more on closing deals and nurturing client relationships.

    Less busy work = a more streamlined workflow = more opportunities to focus on revenue-generating activities. 

  2. Increased productivity

    The value of time cannot be overstated. It’s the one thing we cannot “get back.” 

    Mobile CRM solutions maximize reps’ productivity by allowing them to access and update information on the fly. With instant access to CRM data, sales reps can make the most of their downtime between meetings and calls.

    More productivity = less wasted time = more opportunities to focus on revenue-generating activities. 

  3. Better organization and tracking of customer interactions

    One of the most crucial aspects of any sales process is tracking customer interactions and maintaining accurate records. Mobile CRM solutions enable healthcare sales reps to easily log and track client interactions. This “easy access” to information helps reps recall past conversations, anticipate client needs, and tailor their sales approach accordingly. 

    Better organization = better client relationships = more opportunities to focus on revenue-generating activities. 

  4. Access to real-time data

    Mobile CRM solutions ensure sales reps have up-to-date information on client interactions, product performance, and market trends. This access to real-time data enables sales reps to make data-driven decisions, adapt to changing market conditions, and stay ahead of the competition. Additionally, real-time data can help sales managers monitor their team's performance and identify improvement areas.

    More access to real-time data = more data-driven decisions = more opportunities to focus on revenue-generating activities. 

Sensing a theme?

All benefits of a mobile CRM solution lead to one thing—more opportunities to focus on revenue-generating activities.

A few key features of mobile CRM

Now you know the WHY, but what about the WHAT? What should all mobile CRM solutions have? What are the key features? The table stakes?

Here are a few essential features of mobile CRM solutions that can help healthcare sales reps enhance the sales process: 

Cloud-based accessibility: While mobile typically implies “cloud-based,” unfortunately, this is not always true. Ensure you ask about cloud capabilities when researching a mobile CRM platform.

Mobile app integration: Mobile CRM solutions often integrate with various other mobile apps — email clients, calendars, and messaging platforms, to name a few. This integration streamlines the sales process and allows sales reps to manage all work-related tasks from a unified interface. No need to “app switch.”

Real-time updates: We discussed the benefits of “real-time data” above, but the update part of real-time is a must-have. When a sales rep inputs new information or updates existing data, the CRM system is instantly updated, ensuring the entire team can access the latest information. Real-time updates allow for better collaboration and communication among team members and help sales reps make informed decisions based on the most current data.

Easy customization: No one sales workflow is the same. Sure, they may all have a similar look at feel, but each organization adds a layer of customization to fit its particular industry, team, and needs. A strong mobile CRM solution will offer endless customization options, allowing sales reps to tailor the system to their specific requirements. Personalization is a must, whether it's customizing the dashboard, creating personalized reports, or setting up automated workflows.

If the mobile CRM you want to add to your tech stack does not have the above four features, steer clear.

How to implement mobile CRM capabilities for healthcare sales reps

You know the benefits.

You’re well-versed in the key features.

Now, it’s time to implement.

First (obviously), invest in a user-friendly, industry-specific mobile CRM solution. 

Next, train sales reps on essential features—real-time access to customer information, appointment scheduling, and tracking sales activities, to name a few. And ensure seamless integration with existing systems to maintain data accuracy.

Finally, optimize. Encourage sales reps to use the mobile CRM platform for daily tasks. Set an adoption goal. Gamify if necessary. Utilize mobile CRM analytics to identify trends and areas for improvement, and spots to drive sales performance.

Before celebrating, be sure to avoid these common pitfalls: 

  1. Don't overlook data security. Invest in a mobile CRM solution with robust security measures.
  2. Avoid overloading sales reps with features. Instead, focus on core functionalities that enhance efficiency.
  3. Ensure consistent communication and collaboration between teams to maximize CRM benefits.

With platforms like Clari, healthcare sales reps are more productive, offer better customer service, and create more revenue

The mobile CRM experience offers tremendous potential for healthcare sales reps, transforming how they manage customer relationships and streamlining their work processes. 

The net result: healthcare companies will realize enhanced productivity, improved customer satisfaction, and ultimately, drive revenue growth << what we all strive toward.

Given the fierce competition in the healthcare sector, staying ahead of the curve by adopting innovative mobile CRM solutions is essential to maintaining a competitive edge. In a rapidly evolving industry, companies that invest in advanced technology will position themselves for long-term success, while those that lag behind risk obsolescence and diminished market share. 

The time to embrace the mobile CRM experience is yesterday.

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